I am still here! I have been a little busy with work things and fun things. A lot of the fun things are returning to places I have been afraid to bring my low-to-the-ground-car and exploring new places because I have been graciously offered a second vehicle which has opened all sorts of new doors for me. I've been wanting to show those of you who follow my blog where I live and why I love it... expect more pics of the following as the weather gets warm!
This is the best road I know, it follows a ridge and in many places you can see stunning vistas to each side. Lumpy as our mountains are most stunning vistas in most places are off to one side. |
My new adventure-machine. Just as you don't need a typewriter to write poems, you don't need a truck to have adventures, but both certainly can help! I'm way excited, this truck and I go back to high school. |
Only view up there totally clear of trees is near the power lines, and though not all of it makes amazing photos it's all gorgeous. Shooting through the trees makes the photos kinda weak but the whole area looks with the eye like this does. This is maybe 40 minutes from my house, and I've already been up here a lot since getting the truck. |