Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Poem: Meadow Mead

The sun set JUST before I finally had a clean copy to take a picture of.  I would have liked more light but it was still gorgeous out there. 
Same poem but an easier to read photo in case the first was too small.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Poem: Naranja

The title begs some explanation and there were two reasons I chose it.  The first is that "naranja" looks a lot like Narnia.  The second is that "naranja" is Spanish for "orange" and there is a legend that Christopher Columbus was eating an orange and watched a fly crawl over the horizon of it, and it looked to him like the same effect of a ship going out to sea.  It is said he realized the world was round at this moment and therefore decided to sail westward to India. 
This is my wonderful 1951 Hermes 2000.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Poem: Messier 87

Never give up on curiosity.