Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Not About Typewriters

From my Hermes 3000 typed at the Underground Pub in Blacksburg

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Why You MUST Get At Least ONE Electric Typewriter

Yours truly lazily typing away on my Sears Electric 1 which you can see here.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Thoughts From December I Hadn't Posted, But Intended To

Typed in Lynchburg, VA on a Hermes 3000, unrelated to the picture below.
Inspired by classic photos of writers at their typewriters and during a bout of sudden nerdiness I made a self portrait with my 1981 IBM Selectric II.  Let be noted for the sake of those concerned (mom for example) that I do not smoke cigarettes but chose a prop to enforce writer stereotypes and make the photo more akin to the types of photos I desired to emulate.  Let it be noted for the sake of personal boldness to the potential disappointment of some (mom for example) that is a real jar of liquor on my desk.